Personal, social and health education
PSHE- Kindness advent calendar
Whole class Kindness advent calendar.
Children decorate each door and write something kind to make everybody smile inside. Cut along the black line and fold along the dotted line to create a door that opens.
Print back to back so that page 3 is always printed on the back of the door page.
Pack also includes individual advent calendars.
Arthur and the Meanies Tasks
Arthur and the Meanies PSHE and Literacy focused activities and area tasks. These were used for an observation in Year 1.
HeadStart School Resources
HeadStart resources include:
KS1 resilience frameworkposter- publisher and PDF version.
KS2 resilience framework poster- publisher and PDF version.
Mental health and wellbeing themes- whole school overview.
Mindset stickers- to print on 21 page avery stickers and slice.
Sending a big hug from a distance- during Lockdown
Sending a big hug from a distance activity sheet.
Pack inludes:
Guidance on what the children might write.
Two version of the sheet
This has been used with Y2 children but some staff have used it across primary school.
It has been created during this difficult time for the children to each complete a sheet. They have then been shared randomly so that every child receives a hug from somebody.
Go Green week, 5 day challenge
5 day challenge to encourage children to ‘Go Green’. Used to introduce Go Green week.
Citizenship activities
Good citizenship tasks used with Year 1 but can be used with other Year Groups.
Pack includes:
Session overview
Session input
Various activity sheets that can be used across a few weeks- identifying differences between good and bag citizens and looking at how the chn can be good citizens.
Resilience Lockdown Activity Pack
This Resilience pack was originally made for lockdown one, but as some children are struggling after having such a long time out of school, I thought it would be useful to use again.
I have used it in Year 2, and other members of staff have been using it across primary school.
The pack includes:
Front Cover
Resilience colouring page
Lockdown memories sheet
How have I been feeling?
Weekly feelings record sheet
Who is in my bubble at home?
Who is in my bubble at school?
How can we keep ourselves and others safe?
I am grateful for…
My Happiness box activity
Covid 19 Resilience Pack
Covid 19 Resilience pack created for Y2 class but could be used and adapted for other year groups.
Pack includes the following tasks:
Front cover
Resilience mindfulness colouring sheet
Lockdown memories 2020
How have I been feeling?
Today I am feeling…
Who is in my bubble at home?
Who is in my bubble at school?
Happiness box input and box template
I am grateful for…